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Code Refactor |
What is Code Refactoring?
Source code restructuring improved
the code quality and maintainability of your existing project without changing
its run time behavior. In simple terms, refactoring is the process to changing
code order and make it easier to maintain and understand without affecting its run time behavior.
Refactoring the code
improves the non-functional attributes of the application such as code
readability, code maintainability, and code extensibility. It reduces the
code complexity and help developers to easy understand code and fix hidden bugs
in application by removing unwanted code complexity and simplifying the logic
of program.
On the other side,
if the code refactoring is not executed well then its possible to increase code
complexity more and more. If we continuously refactoring the code on time
interval then it reduce the code complexity and maintainability.
Code Smell
Visual studio Programmers
use the term “Code Smell” that indicate the characteristic of the source code. Code
smell is not bug and its not stop executing program but it indicate weaknesses
in design that may possible to slow down performance or increase the risk of
bugs or system failures in the future.
Some common code
smells are listed below.
- Application level code smells
- Class level code smells
- Method level code smells
1. Application level code smells:
- Duplicated Code: Its indicate that repeated code is written more than one location.
- Contrived Complexity: Its indicate that the code is written in simple term to write same logic to avoid complex code structure.
- Shotgun Surgery: Its indicate that same change needs to be applied across multiple classes.
2. Class level code smells:
- Large Class: Its indicate that class has become too large.
- Feature Envy: Its indicate that class using the methods of another class in excess.
- Inappropriate Intimacy: Its indicate that class having dependencies to another class
- Refused Bequest: Its indicate that class overrides base class method in such a way that the contract of the base class is not honored by the derived class.
- Lazy Class / Freeloader: Its indicate that class does too little.
3. Method level code smells:
- Too many parameters: Its indicate that method having too many parameters so its may be difficult to read and calling method and testing of the function become more complicated. Its may indicate that the definition of the function is not well defined, and the code should be refactored in a way that responsibility is assigned clearly.
- Long method: Its indicate that method, function, or procedure that has grown too large
- Excessively long identifiers: The naming conventions use to provide disambiguation. This can be implicit in software architecture.
- Excessively short identifiers: Its indicate that name of a variable can reflect its actual functionality.
- Excessive return of data: Its indicate that function/method returns more than what each of its callers required.
- Extreme long lines of code: Its indicate that written code that is very long, hard to understand and debug.
Where to find Visual Studio Refactoring option?
Visual Studio
Professional versions contain the Refactor option inside the Edit menu of the
IDE. This menu item get enabled only when a C# file is kept open in the IDE.
In the Visual Studio
2017 version, we have the following options under the Refactor menu for
refactoring the C# code:
- Extract Method Refactoring
- Rename Refactoring
- Encapsulate Field Refactoring
- Extract Interface Refactoring
- Remove Parameters Refactoring
- Reorder Parameters Refactoring
Extract Method Refactoring:
Extract Method refactoring is one of
the C# refactoring techniques that provides a facility to create a new method
from a code section in an existing member.
Using the Extract Method, we can
create a new method by extracting a selection of code from inside the code section
of an existing member. The new, extracted method contains the selected code
only and the selected code in the existing member is replaced with a call to
the new method. Turning a fragment of code into its own method lets us to
quickly and accurately reorganize code for better reuse and readability.
How to Use:
1. Select the code section that you
waned to extract.
2. On the Edit->Refactor menu,
click Extract Method.
3. The Extract Method dialog box
We can also use the
keyboard shortcut CTRL+R, M to display the Extract
Method dialog box or we
can also right-click the selected code, point to Refactor, and then click Extract
Method to display the Extract Method dialog box.
4. Enter a name for the new method in
the New Method Name box.
5. A preview of the new method’s
signature is shown under the Preview Method Signature.
6. Click OK.
Rename Refactoring:
Rename is another C# refactoring
technique that provides a way to rename the code identifiers such as fields,
local variables, methods, namespaces, properties, and types. Rename can be used
to change the names in the comments and in strings also and also to change the
declarations and calls of an identifier.
How to Invoke Rename Refactoring:
- Code Editor: In the Code Editor, rename refactoring is available when you position the cursor on certain types of code symbols. When the cursor is in this position, we can invoke the Rename command by typing the keyboard shortcut (CTRL + R, CTRL + R), or by selecting the Rename command from the shortcut menu or Refactor menu.
- Class View: When we select an identifier in the Class View, rename refactoring is enabled in the shortcut menu and Refactor menu.
- Object Browser: When we select an identifier in the Object Browser, the rename refactoring is available only from the Refactor menu.
- Property Grid: Changing the name of a control will initiate a renaming operation for that control. The Rename dialog box will not appear.
- Solution Explorer: Rename command is available on the shortcut menu.
Rename Operations:
- Field: Changes the declaration and usages of the field to the new name.
- Local Variable: Changes the declaration and usages of the variable to the new name.
- Method: Changes the name of the method and all references to that method to the new name including static and instance methods.
- Namespace: Changes the name of the namespace to the new name in the declaration, all using statements, and fully qualified names.
- Property: Changes the declaration and usages of the property to the new name.
- Type: Changes all declarations and all usages of the type to the new name, including constructors and destructor(s).
3. Encapsulate Field Refactoring:
The Encapsulate Field is a
refactoring operation which enables you to quickly create a property from an
existing field, and then seamlessly update your code with references to the new
property.When any field is declared as public, other objects have direct access
to that field and can modify it, undetected by the object which owns the field.
By using properties to encapsulate and protect the field, you can disallow any
direct access to the fields.
To create the new property, the
Encapsulate Field operation first changes the access modifier for the field
that we want to encapsulate to private. Next, it generates the Get and Set
accessor for that field. In some cases, only a Get accessor is generated, such
as when a field is declared as read -only. The refactoring engine now updates
the code with references to the new property in the areas mentioned in the
Update References section of the Encapsulate Field dialog box.
to Use:
1. In the Code Editor, place the
cursor in the declaration, on the name of the field that you want to
2. On the Refactor menu, click
Encapsulate Field.
3. The Encapsulate Field dialog box
appears. We can also type the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R, E to display the
Encapsulate Field dialog box. We can also right-click the cursor, point to
Refactor, and then click Encapsulate Field to display the Encapsulate Field
dialog box.
4. Specify settings and Click the OK
5. If you selected the Preview
reference changes option, then the Preview Reference Changes window opens. Click
the Apply button.
4. Extract Interface Refactoring:
Extract Interface is a refactoring
operation that provides an easy way to create a new interface with members that
originate from an existing class, struct, or interface. When several clients
use the same subset of members from a class, struct, or interface, or when
multiple classes, structs, or interfaces have a subset of members in common, it
can be useful to place the subset of members in a separate interface. The
Extract Interface generates an interface in a new file and places the cursor at
the beginning of the new file. We can specify which members to extract into the
new interface, the name of the new interface, and the name of the generated
file using the Extract Interface dialog.
to Use:
1. With the cursor positioned on the
method, click Extract Interface on the Refactor menu. The Extract Interface
dialog box appears.
2. We can also type the keyboard
shortcut CTRL+R, I to display the Extract Interface dialog box.
3. Or we can also right-click the
mouse, point to Refactor, and then click Extract Interface to display the
Extract Interface dialog box.
4. Click Select All.
5. Click OK.
5. Remove Parameters Refactoring:
Remove Parameters is a refactoring
technique which provides a way to remove parameters from methods, indexers, or
delegates. Remove Parameters changes the declaration of the method and at the
locations where the member is called, the parameter is removed to reflect the
new declaration.
We perform the Remove Parameters
operation by first positioning the cursor on a method, indexer, or delegate.
While the cursor is in position, to invoke the Remove Parameters operation,
click the Refactor menu, press the keyboard shortcut, or select the command
from the shortcut menu.
to Use:
1. Place the cursor on method A,
either in the method declaration or the method call.
2. From the Refactor menu, select
Remove Parameters to display the Remove Parameters dialog box. We can also type
the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R, V to display the Remove Parameters dialog box. We
can also right-click the cursor, point to Refactor, and then click Remove
Parameters to display the Remove Parameters dialog box.
3. Using the Parameters field,
position the cursor on the parameter and then click Remove.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Preview Changes — Remove
Parameters dialog box, click Apply.
6. Reorder Parameters Refactoring:
Reorder Parameters is one of the C#
refactoring techniques that provides a way to change the order of the
parameters for the methods, indexers, and delegates. Reorder Parameters
modifies the declaration first and at any locations where the member is being
called, the parameters are rearranged as per the new order.
In order to perform the Reorder
Parameters operation, place the cursor next to a method, indexer, or delegate.
When the cursor is in position, invoke the Reorder Parameters operation by
pressing the keyboard shortcut, or by clicking the command from the shortcut menu.
to Use:
1. Place the cursor on the method,
either in the method declaration or the method call.
2. On the Refactor menu, click
Reorder Parameters.
3. The Reorder Parameters dialog box
4. In the Reorder Parameters dialog
box, select the parameter in the Parameters list, and then click the down
button. Alternatively, you can drag the parameter after the destination
parameter in the Parameters list.
5. In the Reorder Parameters dialog
box, click OK.
6. If the Preview reference changes
option is selected in the Reorder Parameters dialog box, the Preview Changes -
Reorder Parameters dialog box will be displayed. We can see the preview of the
changes in the parameter list for the Method in both the signature as well as
the method call.
7. If the Preview Changes - Reorder
Parameters dialog box appears, click Apply.
Thus, Refactoring the code
improves the non-functional attributes of the application such as code
readability, code maintainability, and code extensibility. It reduces the
code complexity and help developers to easy understand code and fix hidden bugs
in application by removing unwanted code complexity and simplifying the logic
of program.
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